2024 was a bumper year for the Feel Good Festival. We had a the Feel Good Fortnight in May, the Gathering in August and an incredible Halloween parade in October. It was a brilliant opportunity to build the project around the strengths and people from across a wide rural area locally. We were also really excited to take it in to other locations across the Renfrewshire Villages. Watch our Blog Space for a review of 2024 with all the brilliant photography.

2024 was also the first year of our Halloween Parade which was turned out a big crowd. It was a real celebration of local talent and creativity with lots of participation from local groups, school children and families. We also took it on tour to Paisley - more than 100 or you got onboard with the project idea and it was a lot of fun. Here is a video Kevin Cameron made about the home-leg parade..
For the coming year, we look forward to a Feel Good Weekend in May including another Feel Good Fair Saturday 17th May with lots of wellbeing stalls, workshops and treatments. It's scaled back a bit this year because we're looking in to developing income generation which will fund these activities in the longer term; We were lucky to attract lots of funding in 2024 which made everything possible, but we need more financial stability to carry these activities out going forward. So, watch this space for details of our May events and also look out for more information on how we might generate some income. The below video sets out one exciting idea....